Occasional Climber

Kahurangi Tasman

Click an in-page thumb below to quickly find specific Kahurangi New Zealand mountain images and information.

Winter Peak and Mt Tasman Jul 24
Twins traverse May 24
Mt Campbell to Flora Saddle Feb 24
Iron Hill, Lockett Range Jan 24
Flora Saddle to Crusader return Oct 23
Salisbury Lodge and Gordon’s Pyramid Sep 23
Mt Campbell and Hoary Head Aug 23
Lodestone circuit Jun 23
South Twin via Ellis Basin Mar 23
Mt Arthur bivvy and Gordons Pyramid Feb 23
Mt Evans New Zealand mountain images and information - occasionalclimber.co.nzMt Evans May 18
Kahurangi New Zealand mountain images and information7 day circuit Mar 18

Mt Peel Mar16-0067200x140Mt Peel Mar 16
Mt Owen Apr15-0113 pan 200x140Mt Owen & Billies Knob Apr 15
Mt Arthur Jan15-0030 200x140Mt Arthur Jan 2015
Mt Steven Jan15-0001 200x140Mt Stevens Jan 2015
Cobb_Jan02_0018 200x140Cobb Valley Jan 2002
Mt Arthur Sep15 -0001 200x140Long views

The same geographic framework is used in BUY IMAGES but, in that section, there is a much smaller selection of images, presented to help inform your buying decision. If you wish to buy an image within SEE IMAGES that is not featured within BUY IMAGES, please let us know so we can help.